Judge Orders Shelving of PRESUMED GUILTY DVDs in Mexico


As it was recently informed by some local newspapers, the ongoing saga for the Mexican documentary film Presunto culpable / Presumed Guilty (pictured) continues, as last February 29, a federal judge ordered the complete shelving of all of the DVDs for sale of the film in Mexico.

Judge Blanca Lobo ordered the recall of all of the DVDs that were for sale in Mexico (an estimated 20,000 according to the film's distributor Videomax) while waiting for the pronouncement of the Office of Radio, Television and Film of the Ministry of the Interior (Dirección General de Radio, Televisión y Cinematográfia de la Secretaría de Gobernación), in regards to whether the the documentary violent or not the right to privacy of Víctor Daniel Reyes. He was the witness that accused the film's protagonist Antonio Zúñiga for killing his cousin, a crime that Zuñiga never committed. Last year, when the film was released in theaters in Mexico, he filed a lawsuit claiming he never authorized the use of his image for the documentary.

Filmmakers Layda Negrete and Roberto Hernández announced today that they will contest the order as they claim they are not violating Reyes' privacy rights because the recording was done as part of a public hearing. The film was released on DVD in Mexico last July.